Share your Joomla articles on social media platforms in 1 click. Choose to display the buttons on top of bottom of the article.
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Display in various views
Show a button with only the Social platform Icon or with a name. Choose if you add an action prefix text like "Share on". (yes, you can create a multilingual text also)
You can display the Joomla social share buttons in a Single Article, but also in a Category, Archived or Featured view.
You can choose to display the Joomla social share buttons in all or a specific category.
Open the links in a new window (_blank) or in the same window (_self)
Accessible Joomla Social Share buttons
All buttons have the right contrast colors, aria labels, etc. to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
Sticky on mobile
Select the sticky on mobile option to set the icons at the bottom of the screen.