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Price List component

With this component you can insert simple price lists to your website. Show the prices of your services or offline stores or create a menu for your restaurant easily.

With the PRO version of this component you can set up categories, multiple prices per product, ACL settings and Featured products.

19.527 downloads since 10 august 2012

We support this component in Joomla 4 and 5.


These Features are for the Joomla 4/5 version of the Joomla Price List component.
You can still download Price List component for Joomla 3.x or 2.5.x if you really need to.
But this older versions have less features and are not actively maintained anymore.

3 columns

The Price List shows 3 columns (Name, Description, Price). For each column you can setup a syling, column name, width and alignment.

Custom Fields

PRO Version only Create as much columns as you need with custom fields. You can use all sort of custom fields like text-boxes, images, etc.
There are 4 positions to place your column. Before Name, After Name (before description), Before Price (after description), After Price


PRO Version only You can setup products/categories in multiple languages with the Multilingual Associations component

Featured products

PRO Version only Display featured products in a special way. Create your own style easily with our styling options.


Use categories for your products and display a complete price list in the free version.
Select 1 or more categories to display on a page.

ACL Options

Select with our ACL options which user can add or edit products.

Frontend Editing

PRO Version only Select with our ACL options which user can add or edit products on the frontend.

Version Management

PRO Version only Changed a product by mistake? No problem, we got your back. With our version management you can restore the latest versions in 1 click.

Read what our users say

Excellent and simple!
I have been very happy with the extension. Installation was easy and so was the configuration. Everything works smoothly with the component and I even got some modification from the owner within few hours I have sended an email! Think what you need, but this fullfilled what I was looking for!
- Louste

Get Price List PRO component